Pond and Stream Consulting Pond and Stream Consulting Pond and Stream Consulting
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Pond and Stream Consulting, Inc. | Specializing in Pond and Stream Creation and Improvement click to enlarge

Pond and Stream Consulting, Inc. (PSC) specializes in providing private landowners with a creative, conscientious, and cost-effective means of developing or improving pond, lake, and stream fisheries, while enhancing their ecological and recreational property value. We are an owner-operated, service-oriented company. Accordingly, all of our work is closely supervised by one of our principals and completed in a dedicated fashion to the highest standards. Each of our principals has over seven years of intensive experience proposing, budgeting, permitting, designing, and managing aquatic habitat improvement projects. In addition, PSC maintains a working relationship with a diverse group of qualified professionals. With qualifications including fisheries biology, hydrology, wetland ecology, engineering, fluvial geomorphology, geology, aquatic ecology and land reclamation, PSC is able to devote appropriately qualified personnel to every project on an as-needed basis. Ultimately, our goal is to provide our clients with an outstanding product, while addressing their specific preferences and expectations.

Scope of Services

PSC and its associates are uniquely qualified to provide a wide range of services to private landowners. Our areas of expertise include:

fly   Lake and Pond Creation or Improvement
fly   Stream Improvement or Creation
fly   Spring Creek Restoration
fly   Wetland Creation or Improvement
fly   Streambank Stabilization
fly   Additional Services

     Project Feasibility Assessment
     Permit and Water Right Acquisition
     Fisheries Management
     Wetland Delineation
     Recreational Property Evaluation

Our principals have successfully implemented or been otherwise involved in numerous aquatic creation, restoration, or enhancement projects in eleven states. These projects have ranged from design and construction of a spawning stream for a unique strain of native trout in Oregon, to creation and improvement of several largemouth bass ponds forty minutes from New York City. Despite the diversity of our project experience, the end result is consistently aesthetically appealing, biologically productive, ecologically balanced, natural in appearance and requires little or no maintenance for the long term. Our highest priority is to deliver the product that specifically addresses the intended use, preferences and expectations of our clients.

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